---St. James Parish will be in charge of Meals on Wheels deliveries for
February 1-28th. We ask that you commit to delivering meals for a full week. Meals are delivered Monday through Friday only. The sign up sheet is in the back of the church or you may call the parish office to sign up.
---St James will host Saturday Kitchen on Jan. 18, 2025. Please join us anytime from 9:00am- 1:00pm at the UP Church kitchen. Contact Tina Knutson at 319-863-3522 with questions or dessert donations.
---Please remember to renew or subscribe to the Catholic Messenger.
The cost is $30 per year.
---In a special way we remember in this liturgy:
5:30 pm-Clarabell Vittetoe
9:00 am-Janis Vittetoe & Pam Strabala
11:30 am-The People