--- his year the Feast of the Immaculate Conception has been moved to December 9th. Masses for the Feast Day will be 8:00 am, 12:10 pm, and 7:00 pm. Remember that this is the Patron Feast Day of the United States.
---The School’s Christmas Concert is December 11th at 6:15 pm, at the High School. Everyone is invited to attend.
---Memorial poinsettias are available for $12 each to decorate the church. Checks may be placed in the collection or taken to the parish office. Please make sure to indicate who is the poinsettia is in memory of. If you would like for your loved, one’s name to appear on the bulletin please submit their name before Wednesday, Dec. 11th.
---December 12th, is the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, las mañanitas will be at 6:30 am in the Church. There will be No 8 am Mass. There will be a procession starting in Central Park at 5 pm with
Mass at 6 pm in the Church.
---There will be a Bible Study coming up in January. For more information, please see the bulletin.
---Please remember to renew or subscribe to the Catholic Messenger.
The cost is $30 per year.
---In a special way we remember in this liturgy:
5:30 pm-Joan Frantz
9:00 am-Joseph & Josephine Triplett & Laura Fisher
11:30 am-The People